
ULAKBIM, as per its fundamental mission, initiated the subscription efforts within the scope of Electronic Sources National Academic License in 2016 as per the Resolution no. 136 of TUBITAK Executive Board on 19/11/2005 in order to support academic knowledge generation in Turkey, popularize the information services at national scale and create equal opportunity for the researches to access to the scientific knowledge and renders services for public universities, foundation universities, universities in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyrpus (TRNC) and Police Academy.

The scope of the project was extended to the training and research hospitals of Ministry of Health by resolution no. 139 of TUBITAK Executive Board on 11/02/2006. Thus, it is aimed to support academic knowledge generation in Turkey by creating equal opportunity for the researches in both universities and training and research hospitals regarding access to international scientific and academic contents. Considering the rapid developments in information technologies, all investments made in investment services has a strategic significance for scientific, technologic and thus economic development of Turkey.

Abundance of the academic information sources published in electronic media and drastic increases in relevant service fees has presented different access and pricing models of the publishers for the libraries.

The project contains national license agreements executed with prominent global publishers and content providers as well as the relevant efforts put in order to allow national research institutions to access academic electronic information sources effectively and commonly and encourage production of national and international scientific publications.

Electronic databases with academic content which are the main instrument for increasing the number of qualified scientists, design of new information, products, processes, methods and systems, enhancing the competitiveness based on science and information at national and international level and performing research and development activities underpin the EKUAL Project.

EKUAL Project was implemented by TUBITAK ULAKBIM as per the resolution no. 136 of TUBITAK Executive Board on 19 November 2005 regarding supporting the project within the scope of TARAL and serves for public and foundational universities in Turkey as well as universities in TRNC recognized by Council of Higher Educational and police academy. Its scope was extended to the training and research hospitals of Ministry of Health by resolution no. 139 of TUBITAK Executive Board on 11/02/2006.

Objectives of EKUAL
  • Creating equal opportunity for research institutions with varying budgetary resources regarding access to scientific knowledge;
  • Providing saving of time for the researches by in-situ use of databases;
  • Increasing efficiency of domestic research activities;
  • Achieve savings of use of national budgetary resources;
  • Increasing production of national and international scientific publication
  • Increasing competitiveness of Turkey in the light of scientific studies.
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